Tuesday, May 1, 2012

photo a day challenge [april]

day 1: your reflection
oh, mirror pictures

day 2: colour
the amazing white brick walls of my dorm room

day 3: mail
I don't receive much mail, but here's my mailbox at college

day 4: someone who makes you happy
these guys are cool

day 5: tiny
tiny pebbles make up the floor at Pinkberry

day 6: lunch
Burger King at the Nashville airport flying to Kansas City for Easter

day 7: shadow
I'm cool, I'm hip?

day 8: inside your wallet
I really need to make a new wallet.

day 9: younger you
found this beauty when I was home for Easter break.  I was freaking adorable.

day 10: cold
my drink of choice in the caf.  UNsweetened iced tea

day 11: where you ate breakfast
well, I don't eat breakfast, but here's my lunch.

day 12: stairs
I walk up these errrrday

day 13: something you found
well, there was a goose in the parking lot

day 14: how you feel today

day 15: sunset

day 16: flower
this isn't a flower, but it's as beautiful as a flower...
also, it was my birthday

day 17: something you don't like
the caf menu

day 18: hair
pat yo weave

day 19: orange
keyboard cover

day 20: something you drew
I'm an artist

day 21: bottle
no bottle. cartons will have to do

day 22: the last thing you bought
...all I do is buy coffee

day 23: vegetable
Pizza is a vegetable now, right?

day 24: something you're grateful for
great friends

day 25: looking down
how about "my view" instead of "looking down"

day 26: black + white
choral union concert at the Cathedral of the Incarnation

day 27: somewhere you went
Nathan Angelo & Steve Moakler concert @ 3rd & Lindsley

day 28: 1pm
Pfunky Griddle with Michelle, Amanda and Teal

day 29: circle
the most ways I see a circle nowadays

day 30: something that makes you sad
packing up my dorm room, :(  but it means
moving into my house this week!

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