the other night I talked to a man who came into the ice cream shop that I work at. I asked where he was from, and he told me "Seattle". Immediately after he replied, I told him that I want to live in Seattle for awhile. (It's in my top 4 places to live before I settle down. The other cities on the list are New York City, Los Angeles, and of course, Nashville). He told me about how he has moved around a lot, and traveled the world. He gave me tips on how to live in countries like, Vietnam, and such, cheaply for just dollars a day. I told him that traveling the country/world had always been a dream of mine, and he asked me a question that made me think.
"Why not just do it? You're 20 years old. Save your money, travel, and live where you want, because what's holding you back?"
I thought, "Exactly!"
I know I need to stay in Nashville for a few years for music, school, and to make some ground here. I also eventually want to return to Nashville, to live long-term - but there's a gap, and I just have to decide how I want to fill that gap.
why not chase my dreams? why not be who I want to be? Why hold back when all I'm needing is opportunity; and why skip out on the opportunities as they arise?
I'm living in the best time of my life. I'm young, I'm free, so why the heck not? (did you catch the Joseph Birdsong reference? Do you guys even know who Joseph Birdsong is? oh...)
why not work my butt off, make some money, spend some money, and save some money to do the things I want to do.
I mean, I'm no Evel Knievel when it comes to risk taking, but, why not live life, while I'm still living?
I moved to nashville. That was fun and exciting. I don't regret it at all.
I'm saving money to go to california this summer for a youtube conference called vidcon.
I don't want to stop following my dreams and fulfilling goals by being tied down to people, or a certain location.
and perhaps I'm just young and naive. but let me figure that one out on my own.