Monday, July 30, 2012

a post about tipping.

It wasn't until I started my job at the ice cream shop, that I realized how much the need for tipping is.  Don't get me wrong.  I've always tipped at the obvious place, like nice restaurants and was off-and-on at starbucks/coffeeshop, but I never thought to put an extra dollar in the tip jar at an ice cream shop.

So, I used to be as bad as the following groups of people you're about to read about -- but from my observations, these are the worst people alive, (in the aspects of tipping).

Christians. (and yes, I am a Christian...)
We have a horrible reputation in the food service industry.  We are the worst and most stingy tippers.  Whenever I see a group of youth kids with tshirts that make it obvious that they're on a mission trip and they all get ice cream on a single tab,  I can just assume that I'm mostly likely not going to get a very big tip, if any of a tip.  There are a couple instances where I'm proven wrong, but it just doesn't give the Christian community a good name when your group has a $90.00 order, and you don't leave a tip.  The drunks that come in on a week night tip better than you.

Middle-Aged Men.
You guys don't tip.  Ever.  And even though you alway order a milkshake, which, let me tell ya, takes a little more effort on our side than just scooping a dish, you still don't tip.  whatsupwiththat?!

People who find Mullets Humorous. (but not enough to tip)
At the ice cream shop I work at, we have a sign on the tip jar, "Everytime you don't tip, a child gets a mullet"  It's a fun, quirky way of getting the customers' attentions.  The most agrivating thing is when the customer is paying, and you see them laugh to themselves or point out our tip jar to their friends, and then don't tip.  like serious?  are you for realz?


I started working at the ice cream shop this past May, and I live off the tips that I make.  That's how I pay for all of the random necessities of living.  My paychecks go towards rent/groceries/gas but tips go towards everything else.  Tips make it a decent paying job -- but they aren't a stable fixed income.

When you go get ice cream, or a something, just expect to pay $1 extra, and throw it in the tip jar.  The workers will appreciate it more than you think, and if you can't spare an extra dollar, (or fifty cents at the least), don't get ice cream.  Haha, just kidding.  You can get ice cream.

I found this humorous (enough to tip them) ;)  at my favorite place to eat, McDougals.

Stop Looking at my Tips

Saturday, July 28, 2012

this past week; instagrams

follow me on da instagram: @treycurtismusic

my manager calls these, my "human shoes"
three cent tip? uhhh.... thanks?
cliff jumping at percy priest.
trying to organize my life in the form of "stickies" on my mac.
not working very well.
I shamelessly went to see the Katy Perry move, alone, on my day off.
writer's round at Belcourt Taps.
this whole "OS X Mountain Lion" thing is taking too long. 
dude, your dell is from the year, 2002.  and you just wiped the screen with a paint brush.  uh..
getting so close to being able to buy my new Canon Rebel T3i

Friday, July 20, 2012

this past week; instagrams

follow me on da instagram: @treycurtismusic
passport application -- hello headache
late night thinking time at the Parthenon
how did I go this long living in nashville without trying Gigi's!? SO. GOOD.
I'm becoming quite the cook  ;) 
house concert - so good
Timbre playing at the show
hamburgers & corn/mac&cheese casserole.  call me paula dean.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

this past week; instagrams

follow me on da instagram: @treycurtismusic

Kelsi's a diva.
I can do this.  I'm a man.
I don't think I'll be ordering the Mango Ice Cream.
tattoos in da same place?? 
I'm a intern.
Pink Berry, Parthenon, Great Friends = good night.
backstage at camp electric.
not even half of the guitars on campus during Camp Electric.
She's pretty cool.
unloading the trailer for Red.
yes, please.
we're friends.  our wrists prove it.
songwriting.  uh, maddison?
road, shapes, and pavement.
capital kings.  tobymac's nephews.  fun music.  also, super nice guys. 
I've got a hot bod.
Rusty from the movie, Courageous. 
airport, meeting people, saying goodbye to people.
live mouse in the airport...
slug on my front porch
free starbucks drink.  the berries were disgusting.
hubcap aanie or hubcap annie... I'm so confused.
cookout with some friends.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

this past week; instagrams

follow me on da instagram: @treycurtismusic

cleaned Joni's home
I had a productive day 
call me, maybe?
4 shot iced soy latte.  I love working at an ice cream/coffee shop
half priced drinks
my shoes are Amanda colored!
under $3 is basically freeeeee, right?
I will never understand why my ceiling light is so off-centered
happ fourth of july to me.  got to tend to this line for 9 hours.
finally got to take bryce out for his birthday at this indian restaurant
then I found this is my food...
call me a bandwagon-jumper.  I don't care.  love 1D