Friday, June 29, 2012

this past week; instagrams

follow me on da instagram: @treycurtismusic

just hung my guitar.   
new video of a new song!  8 Days will be on my EP.
back at The Barista Parlor.  I love this place.
genius idea.  baked beans, ramen noodles, & pickles.  so good.
Edgehill Cafe.  
excitement you see nightly when you work downtown.
so, I bleached my toms...
spending the night, writing.
Downtown is so beautiful (without the tourists)
alone at walmart at three a.m. wearing my tswift and bleached toms. so. cool.
who needs Chipotle when you have this meal...

TreyJaVu: Week 21

Week 21.  Nebraska & 46th, Bleaching TOMS, & my CD's!

Betsy and I are totallllly starting a band called "Nebraska & 46th".  Stickers on your laptop are so "five minutes ago..."  Aaron comes to visit me in Nashville!  I check out the cool, new, coffee shop, The Barista Parlor.  I crack the screen to my brand new camera, & get pulled over for turning right on red.  This random guy STARES at us at a stop light.  OH, did you know that bleaching black toms turns them orange?  yeah, me either.  So, now I have orange shoes...
AND my CD's came in the mail!!!!  week 21.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

trey's love life - in songs (EP Release)

I don't talk about my "love life"  because, well, frankly I don't have one. ever. (and just so you know, my lack of love-life is a choice, not a burden) but I write songs, and they sometimes may happen to be about some mishaps of "love" that have happened, and I like music, so, here it is.

I just recorded my debut EP.  It consists of four songs that I've written this past year.  I had a hard time picking which songs to record, but I picked these four.

here's the artwork.  neat, right?
(Photography by Maggie Gorski)
Stay is a song I wrote about someone, who, when I think about it now, isn't "special" anymore.  It's just about the uncertainties of love, and what you may think is love.  It's about that person who you are SO sure you want to be with, and they never leave your mind, until you realize that you don't want to be with that person, and you were completely wrong.  I wrote this song while being at my parent's in Missouri over Christmas.

8 Days.
I started this song while seeing someone, and finished it after the relationship abruptly ended.  (and when I say "abruptly" I mean, pretty abruptly).
"Favorite Place?" - Starbucks
"Five-speed Jeep?" "Old dirt road?" - true story
It's about love, and the hope and happiness that love can give you.  It's about jumping into a relationship head over feet, then you find out that the other half is uncertain and unsure.  It's basically yelling, "GIVE ME A FREAKING CHANCE."  but in a more subtle way.  Isn't that great?

Rescue Me.
I wrote Rescue Me in the summer of 2011, while living in Nebraska.  It's about being someone you thought you'd never become, and wanting to get back on the right track.  We had some fun in the studio with this song.  We brought in some friends last minute, and had them join in at the end.

You & Me.
You & Me is about the same person that "Stay" is about.  I was SO blindly "in love" with this stupid person, when really I was just an obsessed, giddy, little girl.  I also wrote this song while staying at my parent's house in Missouri over Christmas Break, 2011.  I also call this song the '80's prom song, because I have no idea, but the beginning reminds me of an '80's high school prom...  I know, I'm weird.

when writing for an album, you have to decide, "is this person worth writing a song about?"  also, "is this persons' song worth putting on an album?"

The mysterious person that "Stay" & "You & Me" is about, didn't deserve these songs, but I wrote them anyway.  The person that "8 Days" is about has so many songs written about them, that I wrote while recording this album - too late to record them for this project - but, perhaps someday, they'll get properly recorded.

I may release a low-key, acoustic, digital, album this coming winter.  praying that everything will fall into place, and it'll all work out.

But, I should probably focus on the release of this album first.  right? ;)

p.s. you can now order my ep here!!!

Friday, June 22, 2012

this past week; instagrams

follow me on da instagram: @treycurtismusic

new camera for vlogging
Nashville weather hasn't been good to me
Amanda.  Work.
Joni exploring the house.  She loves Bryce's room
just keepin' it real
Jeni's Splendid Ice Creams with Betsy
New coffee shop in Nashville.  The Barista Parlor 
iced vanilla latte perfection.
hey, july 3rd.  EP release.
yep, this happened.  hate my life.
scattered lyrics on the wall in hope they become a song.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

TreyJaVu: Week 20

Week 20.  Joni the Hamster, 11 hour work days, & New Ending Screen.

new camera - so, better vlogging quality, starbucks, Bryce builds a grill, and has a cookout.  I wish Joni could speak the human language.  I work 11 hours, and a guy pays me $20 to say "Patents are COOL!"  Week 20 was gooood!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

come into my bedroom

is the title too creepy?  yeah?  well, I don't care.

I just recently pretty much finished my bedroom in my house in Nashville.  It's about time, right?  I've been living here since the first week of May, so it really only took me like, a month and a half. nbd.

here are some pictas.  since I know that ALL of you care about my living quarters.

I still need to add a few things to the walls, because they look so bare, but my room is clean, and I'm proud of it - so I had to show it off.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

my debut single?!

welp, I can't believe that we've gotten to this point.

I've officially released my single, "Stay" on itunes, June 5, 2012.

It's now available on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon MP3,  CDbaby, and some other music selling places.

I'm so excited for this to happen.  It's such an encouraging thing.

Check it out here or click the photo above!

Friday, June 15, 2012

TreyJaVu: Week 19

Week 19.  CMA Fest, Work, & Hamsters.

Well, week 19 was CMA Fest which meant that I worked until 3 a.m.  People who liked/supported my itunes single are freaking amazinng...... also, iphone probs and apple store mishaps.  Amanda came and visited, and I adopted a hamster.  We obviously couldn't leave my newly adopted hamster in the hot car, so, she came along with us to Target & Walmart.

this past week; instagrams

follow me on da instagram: @treycurtismusic

Veggie dogs & hard boiled eggs.  I'm grown up! 
Iced soy latte & nude statues on music row. 
walkin' downtown.
bookman, bookwoman in hillsboro village.
I adopted this kid.  Her name in Joni.
She's pretty great. 
Is this something "She" said?
let's see your photos!  what's your instagram handle?

Friday, June 8, 2012

TreyJaVu: Week 18

Week 18.  Your Adulthood is Measured by the Size of your Bed.

I finally got a bed with a bed frame.  Byce is a toddler with his twin size bed, while I'm an adult with my queen size bed.  My work schedule is crazy, and so is CMA Fest.  I'm getting a cold.  ROOFERS COME AT 7 A.M. WHAAA?  Also, we got a couch for $20 on craigslist, and my single is now on iTunes.  Oh yeah, I blame Obama for the price raise of big macs.

this past week; instagrams

follow me on da instagram: @treycurtismusic

late night writing
$20 couch from craigslist 
Maddison sends the oddest pictures
hello work schedule during CMA Fest
"Move it, Coop!"
New single on iTunes!
I freaking love chipotle.
Healthy food and a soy latte. #stellar

Sunday, June 3, 2012

the average coffeeshop go-er

I have been "creepily" (if you consider people-watching creepy, because I sure don't.  I see nothing wrong with a simple observation) paying attention to the different types of people who go to the coffee-shops here in town.

I've decided to make a list and a brief description of each.

now, hipsters are hard to spot.  they go to coffee shops that you've never heard of.  I like to compare them to Sasquatch.  You may get leads to the coffee shops they go to, and sniff out their trail, but once you catch a glimpse - they are off and running.  Just by you finding it, you make it too mainstream.

wannabe hipsters.
now don't be tricked.  not everything is as it seems.  like I said before, it's rare that you would "happen" to go to the same coffee shop that a true hipster attends.  I mean, let's be real.  They aren't hipsters.  They sit there with their macbook pro (like everyone else around them), and look as if they are contemplating the origin of life, or something else deep and intellectual.  But don't be led astray.  They're just deciding if they're going to Wendy's or Taco Bell afterwards.

there have been a lack of students lately because of the start of summer and the end of another school year.  But with summer & online classes, I've spotted a few backpacks surrounding the tables.  I have found myself fall into this category a few times, as I've left campus to write a paper or two at Fido or Starbucks, but this isn't the majority of me, and who I am.

young adults with glasses.
of course you would never catch them say this out-loud, but this following sentence runs through their minds.  "Oh, I have glasses, (usually, but not always, thick black rimmed) and I'm sipping this drink.  I added a bunch of stuff in it, (flavoring, an extra shot, soy milk, cinnamon on the top, etc) and it cost a lot.  That makes me cool."  They're usually the ones that try and ask for an "Iced Cappuccino" when they really just mean, an "Iced Latte."  Amateurs.

old people trying to be cool.
I have found that there are multiple ripe-in-age individuals.  From observations, they are mainly men with silver-touched hair.  Or bald.  There is a high chance they could be bald.
perhaps it's a personal midlife crisis.  I mean, why go buy a motorcycle and risk your life on the road, when you could just sit with your macbook in the dim lighting of a coffee shop.  Let me tell ya, it's a lot cheaper.

and then there's me.

I am sure as heck not a hipster.
and God help me if I ever become a wannabe hipster
I've dabbled in the student area
I had glasses in the third grade.  Hated them.  Never again.
and I'm not old.

I find that I'm a "wannabe, cool, Nashvillian" who strives to come across as the "cool, trendy" person with a lot of friends.

As of now, I'm not cool, and I don't have any friends, so I've uh, got some work to do.

Friday, June 1, 2012

this past week; instagrams

follow me on da instagram: @treycurtismusic

late night talks with Alexandra Grace at Cafe Coco.
and when I say "late" I mean, like, 4:00 am.

Betsy stole my guitar, and played in my kitchen.

welp, I locked my keys in my car

Taylor Swift, "Ours" single album found at Walmart.  BEST find of the day

I have a bed, I have a bed, I have a bed!  No more futon!

my parents came down to nashville to visit.  I took them to the gaylord opryland

General Jackson showboat ride with my parents.

between my roommate, and I, you'd think we like almond milk or something.

all my "extra" money is going to be dispersed into these envelopes. #budgetting

found this beaut in my backyard
I finally got my bed frame in the mail, and Bryce help me put it together
he's testing it out.