Wednesday, April 3, 2013

i'm young, i'm free - so why not?

the other night I talked to a man who came into the ice cream shop that I work at.  I asked where he was from, and he told me "Seattle".  Immediately after he replied, I told him that I want to live in Seattle for awhile.  (It's in my top 4 places to live before I settle down.  The other cities on the list are New York City, Los Angeles, and of course, Nashville).  He told me about how he has moved around a lot, and traveled the world.  He gave me tips on how to live in countries like, Vietnam, and such, cheaply for just dollars a day.  I told him that traveling the country/world had always been a dream of mine, and he asked me a question that made me think.

"Why not just do it?  You're 20 years old.  Save your money, travel, and live where you want, because what's holding you back?"

I thought, "Exactly!"

I know I need to stay in Nashville for a few years for music, school, and to make some ground here.  I also eventually want to return to Nashville, to live long-term - but there's a gap, and I just have to decide how I want to fill that gap.

why not chase my dreams? why not be who I want to be?  Why hold back when all I'm needing is opportunity; and why skip out on the opportunities as they arise?

I'm living in the best time of my life.  I'm young, I'm free, so why the heck not? (did you catch the Joseph Birdsong reference?  Do you guys even know who Joseph Birdsong is?  oh...)

why not work my butt off, make some money, spend some money, and save some money to do the things I want to do.

I mean, I'm no Evel Knievel when it comes to risk taking, but, why not live life, while I'm still living?

I moved to nashville.  That was fun and exciting.  I don't regret it at all.

I'm saving money to go to california this summer for a youtube conference called vidcon.

I don't want to stop following my dreams and fulfilling goals by being tied down to people, or a certain location.

and perhaps I'm just young and naive.  but let me figure that one out on my own.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

You Put Your Friend in a Tree??

There I was, a college freshman excited for a new life and ready to be an official “college kid” when I moved down to Nashville for my first year at Trevecca Nazarene University.  The first week of school is always bittersweet.  Making new friends is great, but the questions of “are we going to date” or “is this girl going to be my wife” are always in the back of your mind when meeting your new classmates.  

It was a few weeks into school when I had finally settled in, and had gotten the hang of balancing classes, homework, and friends when I decided, “Hey, I could have a girlfriend now.  I think that’d be nice”

I had heard from a few friends that this girl liked me.  I had known for some time now, and I had finally given in.  I decided, “Well, I’ll give her a shot.  She could possibly be the ‘one’.”  When I had come to that conclusion, one of my closest friends had grown to like her, and asked me if it would be OK if he asked her out on a date.  “Sure” I said, “I’m not looking for any kind of relationship right now.  Go for it.”  I told him.  Not realizing how stupid I was for telling him to ask the girl I like, out on a date, I quickly changed my mind when I heard about their exciting plans for the following Sunday night. 

It wasn’t two days and I was jealous. 

Emotions, feelings, and girls are stupid.

Once I dropped my pride and confessed to myself that I liked this girl, I had to tell her, (it also helped that I knew she liked me).  So, I was completely honest with her. 

It was a chilly October night on campus when our friend left us alone to talk on the benches in the Quad, and I let out the words, “I like you.”  My heart was beating, and forehead sweating, despite the chilled air -- until I heard her say four words to me.  “I like you, too!”

We talked about how we agreed on not jumping into a relationship, and taking it slow.  I asked her when I could take her out on a date, and that’s when things got weird.

“Don’t ask me to somewhere fancy.  Just casual.  Like, coffee or something.  Also, don’t ask me until like, next week”

“OK.”  I replied, a bit confused.  “Did she just tell me when/how/where to ask her out on a date?  Oh well, it’ll be fine” I thought.

A few days pass, awkwardly, with little communication between her and I, and I send her a text to meet up back at the bench in the Quad, under the oak tree to talk about “us” and to ask her out to coffee. (Like she told me to do.)

With full intentions of setting up a coffee date, I go into the conversation with my heart beating fast.  She starts by saying “What are you thinking about ‘us’?”  I replied with the infamous and easy response of, “Hmm, I don’t know… what are you thinking?”

Then the bomb dropped

She replied with, “Well, I’m thinking we should just be friends…”

Hello friend card.

I quickly responded in an awkward agreement, shoveling up all the reasons that could come to mind, including the obvious “lack of communication” and “awkwardness” that was portrayed in the past few days.

We left the bench in agreement of being friends, and to ignore any awkwardness that we made.

That was until a few months later.

I was told by my best friend, (who was this girls’ best friend at the time of our potential dating), that she was in the oak tree above the bench in the Quad the whole time while I was given the “friend card”

I’ll break it down for you.
My potential girlfriend asked her best friend to climb a tree so she could listen in, on her breaking up with me.


Monday, September 10, 2012


I have none.

like, seriously.

these past couple weeks have been completely useless.  I have been working and sleeping.  I've officially taken a break from writing/music in general.  With no motivation, I feel like I can't give it all of the attention I would need to give it, so I've just taken a hiatus.  Hopefully it isn't a long hiatus, but I feel like I have no control over it.  It's just kind of chosen to shut down on me, so, I've just been living life and hope to experience something worth writing about.

Monday, August 27, 2012

allergies, lactose, and healthy stuff

(disclaimer: I wrote this post 3 months ago, and never posted it)
there is one thing (well, more than just one thing... but for the sake of this entry) that bugs me more than still stupid wobbly table outside of starbucks, where I'm currently writing this blog post.


I'd never had them before moving out here to Tennessee, but Nashville is pretty much the worst place to live for allergy stuff.  The city is in a "bowl", so the pollens and other allergy causing organics can't escape, and linger to make you suffer.

at first, I just thought that I had a cold, but that was two and a half weeks ago -- and it hasn't gone away.  It's making more sense now, because this past year has been pretty bad in general with "allergy-related" symptoms.  I just never put the two and two together.

well, in other news, I've pretty much given up dairy products.  Mucus has always been a problem with me, and dairy doesn't help that situation, so I drink almond/soy milk.  Also, I lately found out I'm lactose intolerant.  so, there's that.

all-in-all, I've just been making a better attempt at eating healthier and in general, just being healthier.  Since I have my own kitchen and such, I am not eating every meal until I am full, like I did when I had the cafeteria.  I think it's been a good thing.  I haven't been trying to lose weight, but since I've moved into my house a month and a half ago, I've lost 7 lbs.

and no, mother, I'm not starving myself.  Don't freak out.  I'm healthy. :)

Friday, August 24, 2012

KC, 11 Hrs in NE, & Speedo Man

Last week I flew up to Kansas City to spend a few days with my family.  This is my four-day-trip in times.

Tuesday, August 14th. 

1:20 pm.
Betsy dropped me off at the Nashville airport for my 2:40 flight to KC.

2:30 pm.
attendant makes announcement that the flight is overbooked, and asks if anyone would volunteer to give up their seat, in exchange for a free flight, and $300 flight voucher w/ Southwest. (I TOTALLY VOLUNTEEREDDD, & I DID DISSSSS, six hours in the airport is soooo worth a free flight to California next summer for Vidcon.)

I got absolutely nothing accomplished during these 6 hours...
I was supposed to get into KC around 4:15 and have supper with my family, but instead, I waited six extra hours in the freaking airport for the next flight to KC at 8:30 pm.

11:00 pm.
finally landed at MCI airport and got into Kansas City

Wednesday, August 15th.

10:00 am.
took my dad's car and drove up to Nebraska to see some friends.

1:00 pm.
got into Lincoln, NE and had lunch with my good friends, Lyndsee and Whitney

3:00 pm.
drove to my hometown of Aurora, NE, with Lyndsee, to see a few more friends.

[insert craziness of lyndsee and I running around all throughout Aurora reminiscing memories of growing up and trying to see as many people in a day, as possible.]

7:00 pm.
met with a few friends at the park

10:30 pm. 
drove back to Lincoln, (one hour), to take Lyndsee back to UNL

11:30 pm.
said goodbye to lyndsee, and made the extra three hour drive back to KC

3:00 am.
finally got back to my parents house.

Thursday, August 16.

12:00 pm.
went to Air Zone in KC with my nephews, mom, and my sister.  that was pretty neat.

7:00 pm
my other sister, Hope, and her husband, Derek, came over and we had supper together.

[insert family time, family pictures, and a whollllleeeee lotta apple crisp - made with freshly picked apple from my parents' apple tree. YUMM]

Friday, August 17.

11:00 am.
walmart with my parents so they could buy me da necessities (that I could fit into my suitcase...)  shampoo, toothpaste, body wash, face wash.. exciting stuff, huh?

1:00 pm.
we picked up Subway and had a picnic at the lake.  then we hung out on the "beach" and saw an old guy in a speedo.  -_-

5:30 pm.
said goodbye to my family, and they took me to the airport for my 7:00 flight back to Nashville (layover in Chicago)
Southwest ran out of overhead bin storage for luggage, so I had to check my guitar.  I was NOT happy about that.
Also, my flight in Chicago got delayed, like, whaaaaaa daaaaa heckkk? but it was only a half hour, and I met this girl named, Ryan, from Madison, Wisconsin.  She was pretty cool.

11:00 pm.
finally landed in Nashville, and my friend, Maggie, who had just gotten back into town, picked me up! I hadn't seen her since May!
also, my guitar made it back safely.  that was good.


overall, I had a great time.  it was a fun and busy 11 hours in nebraska, and it was really good to be able to hang out with my family in missouri.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

New Camera: Canon 60D

I got a new Canon 60D

Needless to say, I was freaking out.
But my neighbor brought it to our house the next morning, and told us that since we weren't home -- she signed for it.  (is that legal?... that's pretty sketchy)

Anyways, I've been saving up for an upgrade, and was originally going to get the Canon T3i, but decided to go all out and get the 60D.

While comparing prices on amazon and such, I found this really great deal that was a whole kit of extra stuff.

it came in a big box.

all my canons
The package came with the Canon 60D Body, EF-S 18-55mm Lens, EF 75-300mm Telephoto lens, 16GB SD memory card, Camera Bag, Tripod, Extra Battery Pack, Cleaning Kit, and then some useless stuff, like a computer cord, memory card holder, and a memory card-computer converter.

I can't wait to learn some cool things with camera and make videos/start doing some photo shoots.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

the past (2) weeks; instagrams

follow me on da instagram: @treycurtismusic

painting lines hard...
rain and TOMS shoes don't mesh well.
a late starbucks lunch is better than no lunch, right? 
downtown alley ways.
concert @ That's Cool - Nashville.
first ever check for selling music?!?!? THANKS GUYS! 
I creep on kelsi. nbd.
I, like, really want my gold card....
bedroom studio.
new videooooo.
so, this guy took our table and wouldn't give it back.
we called the police, and 2 cops, 1 firetruck, and 1 ambulance showed up.
daily fix.
yeah, Brian got our names on the list.  #foreverthesickestkids
soy milkbone - fido.
first ever parking ticket - #yolo